Thursday, 25 September 2014

Free woodcock sponsorship for schools

What aspects of nature fascinated you as a child? Imagine following the journey of a bird as it makes its way from the UK or Ireland, across Europe, perhaps as far afield as western Russia.

We are offering free woodcock sponsorship to any school so that their pupils can share in this fascinating experience, tracking a woodcock as it migrates across Europe and back again, sometimes even to the very same field.

The free school woodcock pack includes a certificate of sponsorship, factsheets, a woodcock passport and stickers and regular email updates about the progress of the school’s chosen woodcock.

Teachers are also able to access a series of lesson plans, providing them with the guidance to make the best use of our resources about the migration of Woodcock across Europe, making it easier for teachers to utilise those resources in a way that meets the demands of the National Curriculum

Interactive map showing the journeys taken by our tagged woodcock
These resources, produced with the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation Education Trust, help students to learn about the woodcock's life-cycle, habitat and migration routes and encourages students to follow individual satellite-tagged birds as they fly through the countries of Europe.

Do you have any children or grandchildren whose school may be interested in this work? If you are or know a teacher keen to bring the story of this wonderful bird into the classroom, please ask the school to get in touch with the Trust and we will take care of the rest.

Register your school

Registering for a free woodcock pack is simple. All you have to do to register your school to receive a FREE woodcock sponsorship kit is email and we will contact you to discuss your free pack.

Please note this is only available to direct applications from schools.


  1. Can this be applies to Cubs and Scouts?

  2. Yes - Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides can all apply.
