Location updates
Amy - in western Russia after leaving Ireland and stopping over in Holland, Poland and Belarus.
BFC - has made it to Russia after leaving Wales and stopping in Lithuania and Latvia.
Jack - following stops in Denmark and Estonia, Jack has arrived in Russia after leaving Scotland.
James - left Wiltshire and has travelled north east through Poland and Latvia to reach Russia.
Knepp - currently in Finland after leaving Sussex and arriving via Germany and Estonia.
Lanyon - has flown into Russia from Cornwall after stopping off in Belarus.
Olwen - currently in north west Russia after stopping in Denmark and Latvia.
Rebecca - flew south east from Wales to Slovakia and then north east into Russia.
Remy - left Scotland for Denmark and now currently in Latvia.
Rocky - has flown from Cornwall to Russia via Germany and Poland.
Smithy - left Bristol for Poland before flying north east to Russia via Belarus.
St Brendan - flew east from Ireland to Poland and has since moved north east to Latvia.
Wensum - having never returned to the UK, Wensum has revisited Finland from Germany.